Oh my gosh! I don't know how everybody keeps up on these things. My main reason for not posting is that I feel like a post without pictures isn't a post, but the truth is, I love reading blog posts if they have pictures or not so I think it's time to buck up and start really blogging. So on to the updates of the Armstrong household...we will start with the youngest and move our way up..
Nevaeh, oh Nevaeh.......That girl just makes me smile, she is SO FUN! and SO CUTE! I just love her. She is sitting up pretty well by herself these days and eating anything she can get her chubby hands on. At her 4 month check up she weighed in at 14 pounds (50%) and 23 inches (10%)...so basically she is short and fat and I love it. She is getting such a personality these days. She loves to scream, and it's not a mad scream or a happy scream, she just loves to scream. It drives Shiloh crazy but I can't help but laugh and smile at this little girl. She is rolling to everything and it seems like when I turn my back she is halfway across the room. I am yet to witness the actual process, she just fast and sneaky. Still no teeth...I thought for sure all this drool and chewing was going to be followed by teeth but NOPE! That's just her. Nevaeh LOVES LOVES LOVES her sister. Hannah can make her laugh just by saying hello. I am so excited to see these two grow up together. They sure do love eachother. I think she is trying to saying mama, she seems to be saying nana but I think it is directed towards me, or am I flattering myself?
Hannah, 3 years old. Okay thats all.
Just kiddin. Although that does say a lot, there is so much more to be said about this girl. She is an 8 year old in a 3 year old body. She is so aware of her appearance and her actions. We are noticing her desire to impress. It's a little nerve wracking because that is such a dangerous thing these days but for now we are just keeping an eye on her and her need to be the center of attention. She is so smart. She can spell her name and knows all of her letters and she knows up to about 30 in her numbers. I think that is pretty darn good for a three year old. Hannah loves anything girly, barbies, babies, jewelry, pretty dresses, etc. I think you get the picture. She also really loves to sing, and she has an amazing voice. I am not kidding. She makes up every song she sings but seriously THIS GIRL CAN SING! What else to say about this girl....She is so tall, the tallest one in her sunbeams class by quite a bit. She has the memory of an elephant, she will never forget what you say (if she wants to remember! She doesn't seem to remember to pick up her toys and all those things ;) Overall, I am in love with my diva.
Heidi....I am just being happy being a mother. I don't even know how to express how happy it makes me to see my girls smile and to show me and tell me they love me. Last night I thought life couldn't possibly get any better than this...I was sitting on the couch, Hannah was tucked in her bed, Nevaeh was sounds asleep,wrapped in a blankie and snuggling with me, and to top it all off, I was watching my favorite show (American Idol). The one huge thing missing was Shiloh, he was working on his new office (details to come later). I cannot help but smile at all the Lord has blessed me with. Shiloh and I have had quite the year. It hasn't been bad, just stressful. Our trials have definitely helped up find our strengths and our talents and use them to the best of our ability. We have been busy finding ways to be crafty and start a business for me. I started up Sassy Frass Designs in October of last year...It's just been a way for me to create and make a little money on the side. We make headbands, bows, headband holders, bow holders, jewelry holders etc. It's been really good for Shiloh and me. We are crazy busy trying to get ready for the spring fair. Come and see us there is a TON of stuff we would love to show off. Anyways, I am loving my calling in church, Primary is the place to be. Overall, I think my life is great! I have an awesome husband who works so hard and knows that his first priority is his family. I love him! and I love my girls. I confessed to Shiloh the other day that I thought we are having a boy next. I have this strong impression of a little boy, I am not pregnant nor do I want to be for a while but I can't help but reach for that 3 child...seriously, I can't go anywhere without feeling like there is someone else. Maybe that is my little Cam but whatever it may be it is a little scary, I must admit, but such an strong, incredible feeling. I am curious now to see what Heavenly Father has in store for us. Overall I think 2011 is going to be the BEST year.
Shiloh, that wonderful man. I can't get enough of him. Like I mentioned earlier, 2010 was an interesting year full of trials and worries. I know it has taken a toll on him. We started his business, ACCS in hopes of great success but unfortunately with the economy and everything, it just didn't sky rocket like we had hoped and it left us wondering where to go from there. He participated in a Business Expo in Boise in January and told me it was a make or break decision to keep going or to move on...well we are moving on. If I could only tell you the timeline and the events that have taken place up until this month I think everyone could relate to the craziness of our Heavenly Fathers plan for us. Right before the expo it was brought to Shiloh's attention that a friend of his was selling his web and graphic design business, (Something Shiloh both loves and is great at). Shiloh mentioned wanting to buy it but I just laughed it off thinking there is no way we could come up with money to buy it and I just wasn't wanting to have another year like last year. Well as it seems to work out when you chose the right path, things just started falling into place. We got the financial portion figured out. Shiloh....well, lets just say I haven't seen him this happy in a while, and I can't help but feel so good about it. We are moving on to a new chapter and I think this is going to be a great chapter. We rented an office space last Tuesday and have been working like crazy to take down wall paper, put of baseboards, trim, paint etc. It's been a crazy week but it is coming together so well. I have before and after pictures that I will post on a later date. Shiloh also put together a networking group sometime last year (I can't remember when) and it is going great. We are excited for Shiloh and this great opportunity.
Life is good, life is great, LIFE IS WONDERFUL!
Swimming with Cousins
16 hours ago
YAY!!! I LOVE hearing about your cute family, so PLEASE do keep posting! I can't believe how old Nevaeh is already! And little Hannah sure is a smarty, isn't she?! How cute. I'm glad things are working out for Shiloh and his work, and only wish you guys were closer so you and I could see each other more often :) Cute cute cute!