We had a great Stake Conference today that really touched me and made me think about my life and my priorities. They had the childrens choir sing a song before each talk and one song really hit me pretty hard, it was called His Image in Your Countenance. The chorus goes as follows:
Have you received His image in your countenance?
Does the Light of Christ Shine in your eyes?
Will he know you when He comes again because you shall be like Him,
When he sees you will the Father know His child?
More often than not, lately I have felt like I am wandering around my home doing nothing productive during the day and it usually ends in yelling fights with Hannah and I find myself on my knees just pleading for help. I know that I have been EXTREMELY blessed to be able to say home with my girls, but like many stay at home moms, I think I get stuck in a rut quite often. I have had some heart to heart talks with my Father in Heaven lately and I think this song was the answer to my prayers. I tend to forgot my purpose here on this earth... I get so stuck in how bored I am or how much I have to do (total opposite I know but that is how it seems to go) that I forget what my real purpose of the day is. Today I learned that my goal for the day and every day for all eternity is to strive to receive his image in my countenance.
A lot of the talks today had to do with the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. I really struggle with this because I don't feel like I get the clear answers that I imagined growing up...instead I realize months or years after that it was the Holy Ghost prompting me to do those things. Today, I was thinking about our little boy and realized that the Holy Ghost definitely prompted me to get down on my knees and pray and study the scriptures the night before he passed away. Shiloh and I had no idea that he wasn't okay, we knew there would be complications after he was born but we thought he was completely healthy while in the womb. I just had to strongest feeling that I needed to read my scriptures, so trying to be obedient I did the "plop and point" method. That night I plopped my finger right at the beginning of the story of Abraham and Isaac. I was completely shocked and quite honestly didn't want to keep reading because I was very familiar with the story and didn't want to take into consideration that this could be for me. But once again, I was trying to be obedient and kept reading, I sobbed all the way through. How could our Father in Heaven ask this of him? And was he going to ask this of me? The answer was very clear...he needed me to be willing to give up my son. The next morning, I didn't feel the usual good morning kicks and the jabs to the side. I didn't want to panick but I think I knew what was happening. I had been prepped the night before and it was my turn to put my faith in my Heavenly Father. Most of you know what happened that day but what I can't explain is the overwhelming feeling of peace that Shiloh and I had. We had just lost our precious baby but yet we could still laugh and smile with people because we knew and know that we didn't lose him forever. Our time to raise him has just been postponed for a while. I will never forget that amazing experience that we were able to have. Having been chosen to be the mommy of a perfect son, and knowing that Heavenly Father must have known that I could handle this, just makes me smile. He must know something that I don't. He knows my strengths and knows me...all he asks is that we live like his Son. So let me ask you this.....Have you received His image in your countenance?
Wrapping Up
1 week ago